Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Mixed Media Image Making
For this unit i came out with quite a few print making techniques, unfortunately i didn't get to do all the techniques like etching. But i came out with some solid mono prints and lino prints. I really enjoyed the mini metropolis work as well where we made our model city and drew from it using lots of different mark making techniques. Overall i did enjoy the brief because i don't usually do print based work and it was good to go back to it and to paint and draw again as i haven't in a while. If i had the chance to do the unit again i would definitely of done all of the different techniques the class done because i would of liked to try etching.

Location Photography
This brief was definitely one of my favourites as we were just given the title and were told to go off with it. I really did enjoy using the Lego and the circuit boards for photo shoots but i definitely enjoyed the oxford photo shoot most. I think it was a great opportunity to go out and photograph architecture first hand and show it through our work. I was really happy with how my final outcomes came out especially the one where i only slightly shown the circuit board in the image because you had to really look at the image to notice it. If i had the chance to do the unit again i would of done a lot more experimentation, I didn't do this to begin with because my other final where i made it really busy and put a bit of everything into it took me a really long time.

Image Manipulation Computer Application
I really enjoyed doing this because we had complete freedom to chose which units we done so it was very easy to decide what to do. I loved going out and doing my own shoots with a tripod and experimenting with shutter speed because i hadn't done it before so it was a new experience for me which i liked. I was very happy with my dystopia outcomes, not so much utopia because i don't think i spent as much time doing it as i should of. I think this is because i went out knowing exactly what i wanted from the dystopia shoot and the utopia one was kind of on the spot and i didn't really know where to start with it. Overall i was happy with the unit and how it all went. 

Graphic Image Making
For this unit i kind of cheated in a way i suppose, i used my finals from my Image Manipulation work and just went further into edits after defacing them. Although i did that i really did enjoy editing the photos in the way i did as i don't usually do that. I also enjoyed finding my own research and just going with thing i ordinarily wouldn't. Because i rushed this unit so much i didn't get to do as much as i wanted but what i did do I'm very happy with. I'm extremely happy with my final image for this unit as it was exactly what i had pictured when i started. Apart from being able to experiment more, i wouldn't change anything about the work i did on this unit.

Final For Graphic Image Making__

I selected this image as my final because out of all my edits this was my favourite. I edited it slightly more by adding text into the corner, i did this because from this image its hard to tell if i am trying to show a utopia or dystopia. I also wanted to show that the meaning of both those word is different for everyone else. through the burn hole it looks like a utopia but from where i've edited the photo you cant really tell what is in the rest of the photo and the dark figure in the background seems to show more dystopia feel in my opinion. Im really happy with the way this image turned out and i wouldn't change anything with it because i think it worked well and shown exactly what i wanted it to.

Graphic Image Making__

I really like this edit i think it worked really well because i kept the colour on the rest of the image. I was going to change it to greyscale but found it worked better this way. To edit this I selected the burn mark and then selected the outer part of the mark and then went to filters and selected film grain. I really like the effect it had on the image and i might use it as a final.


The center of this image i selected and then inversed so only the outside was selected, i then edited the threshold leaving the center normal colored i then selected the center again and tweaked the contrast levels so it didn't look really out of place, its an image that i think the more you look at the more fond you become of it.

Graphic Image Making__

For this image i stuck one image on top of the other but i also burnt a whole through the top image to show the one underneath i wanted to give the impression of another dimension to the image. To edit this image i changed the levels and curves to make the image seem darker. I also did this to make the burn mark on the image stand out more. I like this image and i think i may use it as a final outcome. I think i should of maybe done some more editing to it and if i choose to use this as a final i will edit it more.

Graphic Image Making__

For this image i cropped the outer part of the original image i did this so it seems like it is the actual photo. I really like this image i think all the elements work really well together. To edit this image i just changed the brightness and contrast. My idea behind this image was to bring the dystopia into the utopia of the image. Which is why i put the cut up pictures of the city photo onto it and then added the branch of a tree. I really like this image and i think this will be one of my final images.
For this image i only selected the photo in the centre and made it brighter and then changed the levels of the image so the photo would stand out alot more. I like this image because of the splat mark from the wax around the outside. I think this image worked well, im not sure if i will use it as one of my finals though.