Final Images For Image Manipulation And Computer Applications
I like this image because in a way i think it shows buskers and people who sell big issue magazines, in the way that they are sat there in the middle of a large city and they are sat there watching the world go by so fast. I took about 4 different images of the same thing but i chose this one because of the people in the reflection of the door, you can see that they are going by really fast and i think it shows 2 worlds, one which shows a single person alone and the reflection is a busy over populated place where everyone is in a hurry. To edit the image i simply changed the image to black and white and upped the contrast very high and the brightness about half the amount. I also changed the levels and curves of the image. I think if i had the chance to do the image again i would do it the exact same way because im very happy with the outcome.
This image is one of my favourites from the whole day. I like it because in an odd way its like she is in a different dimension. The world is moving fast around her and it just doesn't seem to bother her. To edit this photo i did the same as the one before changing the brightness, contrast, levels and curves the only difference was i changed the shadows and highlight aswell. I think this image worked so well because i went to such a busy part of oxford to do it. When i pictured doing this image this was one i knew for sure i was going to do and it turned out exactly how i expected and wanted it to. So if i did it again i would not do anything differently, except maybe go on a day when it wasn't so sunny and bright.
This image i think worked really well in my opinion, i definately prefered this image to the one i did down the high street, i'm not sure why i think it worked better. In a way i think it was because the people are walking either side her so it looks better and she stands out so much more because she's stood still. To edit this photo i put the contrast on as high as i could then changed the photo to black and white and put the brightness right up to make the whites seem brighter. I then changed the levels of the photos to bring the grey back in, i also made the image darker. I also then changed the curves of the image. If i did this photo again i would of maybe layered another image i took of the same thing just to make the place seem more busy.
This image is my favourite of all my finals for dystopia, i think it truly captures what i was trying to show with dystopia. To make this image i layered two images on top of each other, it worked so well because she is standing in the exact same position and because i used a tripod the only change in the image was the people moving around her. I did this because it makes the people in the background seem like ghosts in a way and i really like that effect. This photo was definately the most difficult to do because before i flattened the image i edited each layer separately and i found that difficult to make both the layers look as if they are in the same image. I think this image also shows that she is in a different dimension very well because of how faded the movement is. the only things still are just her and the buildings. So its like in a way if you took away the movement in an off way the place could maybe be seen as a utopia as well. When editing this photo i did the same as i did to all the others, i changed the image to black and white and played with the levels and curves until i was happy with the way it looked. I also then set the contrast and brightness to what i think suited the image best. If i did the photo again i wouldn't change a thing as its my favourite one of the day.
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